Friday, November 23, 2018

Keeping it Interesting

The countdown was on to try and get as many trips in as possible before winter comes in and limits our options. Most of these trips would be hunting trips despite fall being my favorite time to fish, but a few trips would include wetting a line. I knew once the snow started to lay down accessing some of my favorite places would become impossible so choosing which one to visit begins to get difficult. I decided to hit a stream that I don't fish nearly often enough and set out. A quick stop at a small inlet on the way allowed for a picture of spawning kokanee salmon which I thought was pretty neat.

At an easily accessible spot I checked on my destination stream to see if water was still running and not too warm for my conscience. The stream looked like it was in great shape so I made the longer drive to fish a section I hadn't been to in a couple years. After a long drive, mostly on dirt roads, another vehicle in the "parking lot" wasn't exactly what I was hoping to find. At least it was only one. I guessed that he would work his way upstream so I went down to some water that I'd never seen before. As usual, it's hard for me to walk by any likely looking spots, so I stopped and tried a few before fully committing. The fish seemed more than willing to come to a Mod. Hare's Ear or even a Hare's Ear Parachute when I could get it close enough to them. It quickly became apparent that I haven't been fishing nearly enough! Simple things like knots and placing casts in the wind seemed to be more of a struggle than they have been for a long time. I spooked some rising fish, but still managed to fool a few. 

It felt great to be back on the water, even when it was obvious that the water was finding it's way into my waders. The mix of browns, cutthroat, and the odd chub kept things interesting as well as the dry and dropper action. Being out there makes me happy, so why haven't I been going more? 

Hope you're as lucky,

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