A friend asked me the other day if I'd been fishing lately. To my surprise I had to reply, "not really". Even though I've been out at least once a week for the past two months, it still feels like I haven't been doing much. Afternoon trips, and stops on the way to other places, just don't count the same in my mind as rising with the sun and hitting it hard for a full day.
One of the places I've been frequenting is the Diamond Fork River, stopping on my way home from the University of Utah. I've had a couple of decent days with Prince Nymphs and Hare's Ears, both in larger sizes (10-12). Nothing huge, but some good afternoons. Like the day that I hooked (didn't land all) four fish on the first five casts. Then, a few minutes later, I had a good sized brown not only smash my stimulator on top, but when I got him in I realized that he had also eaten my Hare's Ear dropper. Lots of fun.

Streams are always fun, but I've also been putting in some time at a couple of lakes that are around here. Like the afternoon (between jobs for me) that me and Deli went down to Nine Mile Res. I tried a few different tactics without success before deciding to suspend a Chironomid just off the bottom. Seemed like only moments later I was into a fish. Ended up with two for the day and lost another, not bad considering we were there for just over an hour. Dinner was caught, although it wasn't all that tasty, the day seemed to be a success.

Springtime always brings days when you really should be doing something else, but we still go fishing. Like the day that Sean came down to fish. We started out fishing Nine Mile from the kickboats, till the wind became too much of a pain (Yes, we could've toughed it out. No, that's not an apology). After having a good lunch at my house we hit up the stream where we managed to catch some on both dries (16 mosquito) and nymphs (16-18 Red Copper John, Pheasant Tail).

The family also managed to get down to Otter Creek for a couple hours. The catching wasn't in the cards for us (that happens a lot down there) but the kids still had a lot of fun picking up some crawdads.
Being a school teacher the fishing season is only beginning for us. Soon we'll have more than enough time to do some real fishing, even if I don't have enough money to go as much as I'd like. I've got a lot of plans for the upcoming summer, some are almost a sure thing, a few wild goose chases, a couple of possibly dangerous propositions, and a whole lot of time spent with good friends and family doing what we love.