Even though I've never been there, I hope to go one day. When I do, it would be nice if the waters remained pristine so that fish and wildlife can still be abundant. This organization is fighting the good fight for Alaska's Bristol Bay:
If you don't belong to Trout Unlimited I believe you should. It's a great way to help conservation efforts and stay informed on how the powers that be are trying to change the game. Specifically with the terrible idea of transferring our Federal Public Lands to the States. There are a lot of problems with this plan that I'll discuss in upcoming posts, but if you need proof it's a bad idea go look at how states across the west have administered (sold, closed access to, leased, drilled, etc) our Trust Lands. Go to their website, click on the "Take Action" button to help. (You could also become a member and/or donate)
This is an organization that was just brought to my attention this year. I really like their stance on public lands and habitat conservation. They are another organization that has really come to bat for public lands and informing/mobilizing the people to protect what we all hold dear, wild places and the animals that rely on them. They are a great source of information.
If you're like me the past six months have been exhausting with so many political battles and issues to stay current on. Remember that this is our country and the elected officials are supposed to represent what we want done to and for our country. Let 'em know what's important to you!
If you need to figure out who your Senators and Representatives are go to this website: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
And now, I'm going fishing.
Hope you're as lucky,