Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mod. Hare's Ear

One of my go-to flies to use for a dropper is my Mod. Hare's Ear and I thought some of you'd like to know what the crap I've been talking about. I'm not claiming this to be some kind of a break though fly, in fact I'm sure several others have probably "invented" this fly too, but here's my take on it.

Hook: Allen N203, #10-16
Thread:Uni-Thread 6/0
Rib:Small Ultra Wire, gold
Shellback:Pheasant Tail 

I put 4 wraps of lead behind the bead, lay down a thread base and attach the rib wire.

Then dub a tapered body to about a bead and a halfs worth shy of the bead.

Tie in 7-10 pheasant tail fibers at the thorax. Make sure you have enough hanging left to form a tail one body's length.

Use the rib wire to lash down the pheasant fibers on top of the body. Then barber-pole the wire forward to create the rib.

Secure the wire and helicopter it out (or cut it, if that's what you're more comfortable with).

Dub the thorax heavy and pull the pheasant fibers over to form the wingcase. I've added legs of pheasant tail fibers at this point, but normally I don't (it just doesn't seem to make much of a difference). Just whip finish and it's ready to fish.

It's a pattern that you can tie up a bunch in a hurry. I seem to use a lot of 'em in #12s and #14s.

Works nice in other colors too.

 Tie up a bunch & get out there and enjoy the water. I know I'm itching to.

- Kidder

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